Parrot food in Nigeria
Looking to buy bird food in Nigeria?
We’ve got you covered Pet Lovers Nigeria. We offer quality pet bird food for all your feathered friends. With our bird food, you’ll find that:
-Your birds will be happier, healthier and live longer!
-You’ll get a discount on future orders!
-Your order will arrive within 2 days if you”re in Lagos and 3 days elsewhere across Nigeria, guaranteed.
We invite you to try our birdseed today!
Finches & Budgie Food Seeds (5kg)
Parrot Seed Mix (5kg)
Budgie – budgerigar food (2kg)
Parrot Feed (2kg)
Multivitamin for Parrots
Natural Millet Spray
Budgie Food (1kg)
Parrot Feed (1kg)
Canary Song Aid
Multivitamin for Birds (Multi-Aid)
Cockatiel Vitamin Drops
Honey and Egg Treat for Budgies, Cockatiel & Parakeets
Small Parrot Seed Bell
Mineral Blocks For Birds
Budgie Seeds Bell