Two budgies in one cage + Lots of Extras


The Budgie Pair, otherwise called the Budgerigar parakeet, sold on our online shop are 100% happy and healthy birds.

Important Information:

This package includes the following:

  • Two budgies.
  • A budgie cage
  • 1 kg budgie food
  • 1 Iodine/calcium block
  • 1 budgie seed bell


Two budgies in one cage is a special and unique relationship. They will be your best friends, and you will love them both.

Budgies are social birds that need a company to stay happy and healthy. Two budgies can get along well with each other if you take some precautions.

If you want to keep two budgies together, the cage should be big enough for both of them to move around comfortably. It should also have plenty of perches and toys, so they have something to do when they are not eating or playing with each other. Read more articles on how to care for your budgies.

You need to check on your budgies regularly to spot any signs of aggression or fighting between them before it gets out of hand. If this happens, separate them as soon as possible, so they don’t injure each other seriously or kill each other from stress-related illness or injury from fighting too much (like losing their feathers).

Frequently Asked Questions About Two Budgies In One Cage

If you’re considering getting a pair of budgies, you may have some questions. After all, these little birds can be pretty lively and energetic! We’ve got some answers for you:

Q: Can two budgies live in the same cage?

A: Absolutely! Budgies are social creatures who enjoy the company of others. They’ll be much happier if they have plenty of space to fly around and play with their friends.

Q: Will my budgies fight?

A: Not if you keep their cages clean and provide them with plenty of toys to play with. If your birds get along well enough that they want to share the same perch, that’s fine too. Make sure they have plenty of space without getting tangled up in each other’s wings or feet.


The Budgie Pair, also called the Budgerigar parakeet, sold on our online shop are 100% happy and healthy birds.

Important information

This package includes the following:

  • Two budgies.
  • A budgie cage
  • 1 kg budgie food
  • 1 Iodine/calcium block
  • 1 budgie seed bell

Additional information

Full name



18 cm


30 – 40 g

Life Span

10 – 15 years


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